V Settimana della cucina italiana nel mondo. IIC CHICAGO

Eventi · Stampa, Radio e TV

Co-presented by the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago, the Center for European Studies, the Department of French and Italian, and the Food Studies Network at UW-Madison, and Casa Artusi

Tuesday, November 17th 2020
1.15-2.15 pm (Central Time)

MORE information HERE

Welcoming remarks by Dr. Thomas Botzios (Consul General of Italy in Chicago)

Dr. Luca Di Vito (Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Chicago)

Dr. Laila Tentoni (President of Casa Artusi)

Prof. Grazia Menechella (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

2020 marks the bicentennial of the birth of Pellegrino Artusi, author of Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well (1891) and “father” of Italian cuisine. Please click here for a special Casa Artusi Video.

In his lecture, Prof. Segrè will stress the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet as a model for a sustainable lifestyle following his motto “think locally, act globally” -- a motto, which stresses the link between collective and personal actions and how they impact our world.

Andrea Segrè is a professor of International and Comparative Agricultural Policy at the University of Bologna. Prof. Segrè’s research is on circular and sustainable ecological economics, and he is a leading scholar of the Mediterranean diet as a model of sustainable diet, and the founder of special projects that focus on reducing and eliminating food waste. He is the president of the FICO Foundation and the AgroFood Center in Bologna. Among his publications are Cibo (Il Mulino, 2015), L’oro nel piatto. Valore e valori nel piatto (Einaudi, 2015), Mangia come sai. Cibo che nutre, cibo che consuma (EMI, 2017), Il metodo spreco zero (Rizzoli, 2019). Free and open to all.