Terms of service
The Web Site (after also the «Service») at the URL www.casartusi.it belongs to the following person (after also «Owner»):
Casa ArtusiRegistered Address: via A. Costa 23/27 - 47034 Forlimpopoli (FC)
Corporate Vat Code:: 03632200402
Email: info@casartusi.it
Using the Service, the user explicitly accept the following Terms of Service («Terms»). Please read them carefully.
Exclusion of warranty
The user explicitly accepts the Service employment, which is at his risk and danger. Despite the efforts of the Owner, due to the control of the information quality, the Service and its contents are supplied without warranty of any kind, explicit or implicit.
Moreover, the Owner can not guarantee that:
- the Service and its contents are going to be continuous, well-timed, safe and without errors;
- the results, that it is possible to obtain from the use of this Service, will be effective, clear and reliable.
The Service and its contents may contain technical errors, inaccuracy and font errors. The Owner reserves the right to modify them at any time and without notice.
Limitation of Responsibility
By any chance the Owner can be responsible for any damages deriving from the use of the Service or from its contents.
Third Parts Sites
The Service may contain link to other web sites, managed from third parts. These link are exclusively provided for information purposes and for practical reasons. This does not imply any connection of third sites' association or affiliation with this Service, neither an approval of these contents by the Owner.
Suspension of the Service
To the Owner belongs the right of transferring, giving away, interrupting, suspending all or a part of the Service, in any case with or without notice.
Written information and processing of personal data
The user accepts that the communications with the Owner are mainly electronic. The processing of the user's personal data is described in Privacy Policy .
Independence of the clauses
Any clause of these Terms will be explained separately and independently from the others. If a clause is considered invalid, or useless, it will be considered independent from the others and it will not compromise the validity or the efficiency of the others clauses, written in these Terms.
Terms of Service Upgrade
The Owner reserves the right to modify the present Terms at any time, warning the user in one of the following way:
- through news on the web site
- through the change of the page, containing these Terms
- through email.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms are subject to the law of the Italian Republic, and the parts will devolve any eventual dispute to the territorial Jurisdiction for the headquarters of the Owner.