Rubriche e Approfondimenti

Il cibo non è solo un fattore per definire l’identità ma è anche un importante strumento attraverso cui indagare gli aspetti culturali, sociali ed economici di ogni società. Il cibo è cultura e diventa protagonista di approfondimenti e riflessioni su tematiche attuali e curiosità utili a far conoscere Pellegrino Artusi e a solleticare la nostra fame di conoscenza.


Italian sounds abroad: panettone


Lingua del cibo

Panettone is both one of the most characteristic and characterising desserts of Italian cuisine, and one of the most famous and most frequently exported. The origin of the word can be found in the Milanese panattón, augmentative of pan (bread) or...

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Pasta, the queen of the table


Lingua del cibo

The fact that pasta, especially as of the Middle Ages, has played a fundamental role in the diet of Italians is shown by the antiquity of the many words used to describe it, first and foremost maccheroni and ravioli. Cited in Boccaccio's...

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Words with the fragrance of coffee


Lingua del cibo

The noun caffè indicates both the tropical shrubby plant of the Coffea genus and the famous drink made with the beans of the latter, which are roasted and ground. Coffee comes from the Turkish qahve, which in turn comes from the Arabic qahwa. The...

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Gastronomic dialectisms, the artichoke from Italy to the world


Lingua del cibo

By artichoke, we commonly indicate the plant species Cynara cardunculus, a perennial plant of the Asteraceae. The Italian term is an Arabism which comes from ḫaršūf ( Enciclopedia Treccani, s.v. carciofo; DELIn, s.v. carciofo). There is no...

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Pizza, an Italian fairytale


Lingua del cibo

Today, pizza, is the best-known Italian word in the world and most representative dish of Italian cuisine. Its story is truly unusual and, in some ways, mysterious. Today's meaning of pizza, i.e. that of a 'round focaccia of leavened dough,...

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